Is there something wrong with your plant, but can’t quite figure out what? This class is for you!…
Plant Science Series #3 – Soil and Fertilizer
In the third class of our Plant Science series, we will learn about what makes up healthy soil and the role of fertilizers in supporting plant growth…
Plant Science Series #2 – Leaves and Sunlight
In the second class of our Plant Science series, we will dive into the structure and function of leaves, their role in capturing light, and the ways plants adapt to different light environments…
Plant Science Series #1 – Water and Roots
In the first class in our Plant Science series, we will explore the fascinating relationship between roots and water…
Planting for Wet Areas
Do you have a spot in your garden that always stays wet? Join us for this class to learn how to make the most of wet areas in your landscape by choosing plants that thrive in high-moisture conditions…
Gardening Tools 101
Set yourself up for gardening success by learning how to utilize essential gardening tools in this beginner-friendly class…
Shade Gardening
Learn how to turn the shaded areas of your garden into beautiful spaces filled with diverse plants that flourish in low-light conditions…
Toolkit for a Successful Rose Garden
Every rose has its thorn, and roses can pose some big challenges in the garden…
Porch, Patio, and Apartment Container Gardening
No space? No problem! The magic of container gardening allows you to grow flowers, herbs, vegetables and even shrubs almost anywhere…